Superficial partial burns and donor sites are unique wounds: case series of extended wear Cutimed® Sorbact®



superficial partial burns, donor site wounds, Cutimed® Sorbact®


Background: Superficial partial burns and donor site wounds are unique and do not behave like other wounds, warranting a unique approach. A dressing with an antimicrobial effect to prevent infection and minimise trauma at the wound by extending wear time promotes spontaneous healing by epithelialisation. The properties of Cutimed® Sorbact® achieve this goal in its temporary skin-like substitute action. This audit aims to illustrate that our management of superficial partial burns and donor sites is successful.

Methods: A prospective audit was done from January to June 2019 at the Harry Gwala Regional Hospital, where Cutimed® Sorbact® was used at the burn surgeon’s discretion. Sorbact® was typically chosen for acute superficial partial-thickness burns at presentation and donor sites.

Results: A total of 27 patients were included. There were 14 superficial partial-thickness burns (nine children and five adults) treated with a mean wear time of 14 days to healing, with two patients having a wear time of 17 and 22 days, respectively. There were 13 donor sites treated (eight children and five adults), with 12 cases healed by day 17 and one complication of depth conversion.

Conclusion: Frequent removal of the primary Cutimed® Sorbact® dressing in the epithelialising wound causes trauma to the wound, leading to delayed healing despite the absence of infection. Leaving the primary Cutimed® Sorbact® in situ while monitoring for complications leads to successful outcomes. This has been adopted as standard management in our service for superficial partial burns and donor sites.

Author Biography

NL Allorto, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Department of Surgery and Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa






Case Report