About the Journal
WHSA is distributed biannually to the members of WHASA as well as other surgeons (general, plastic, vascular and orthopaedic), diabetologists, dermatologists, general practitioners, podiatrists, stoma and ostomy specialists and wound care specialists.
Current Issue

The full journal is available at https://pub.medpharm.co.za/whsa-vol-172-2024/
Case Reports
CPD Questionnaire
Wound Healing Southern Africa (WHSA) Copyright is held by Wound Healing Association of South Africa (WHASA). The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial Works 4.0 South Africa License (CC-NC BY 4.0). Material submitted for publication in the WHSA is accepted provided it has not been published elsewhere. WHSA does not hold itself responsible for statements made by the authors. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the WHASA or its members.