An unexpected encounter: cutaneous leishmaniasis in wound care



chronic wounds, cutaneous leishmaniasis


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a parasitic infection caused by the Leishmania species, transmitted by infected sandflies. Patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis present with single or multiple skin lesions at the bite site. This article presents a rare case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Namibia. The diagnosis was confirmed via histopathology and molecular typing of the Leishmania species. The article highlights the challenges of diagnosing cutaneous leishmaniasis in non-endemic areas. It also emphasises the importance of biopsy and multidisciplinary care when managing chronic wounds. The report connects the case to global trends in leishmaniasis epidemiology and discusses the implications for clinical practice.

Author Biographies

B Madede, Tygerberg Hospital

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa

T Maphosa , Ondangwa Private Hospital

Dermatologist, Ondangwa Private Hospital, Namibia

KE Greyling

Infectious Diseases Physician, Cape Town, South Africa

JJK Engelbrecht

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Cape Town, South Africa

N Kairinos, Tygerberg Hospital

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa






Case Reports