Open Access

Adherence to Open Access Principles

The DBSA: African Journal of Infrastructure Development (DAJID) firmly upholds the principles of Open Access as a conduit for the unrestricted exchange of knowledge in the sciences and humanities. Our commitment aligns with the tenets of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, and the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

Open Access License

DAJID publishes articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC). This license allows for the sharing and adaptation of the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given, a link to the license is provided, and indication of whether changes were made. The full details of the license are available at Creative Commons' official website.

No Article Processing Charges (APC)

In the spirit of full Open Access, DAJID does not levy Article Processing Charges (APC). This ensures that there are no financial barriers to the dissemination of research. We believe that the absence of APCs fosters a more inclusive and equitable environment for the publication of scholarly work.

Repository Policy and Archiving

Consistent with Open Access principles, authors are encouraged to deposit the published version of their work in recognized repositories. DAJID guarantees the digital preservation of all its published content to ensure perpetual accessibility.

Benefits of Open Access

Publishing with DAJID under Open Access terms offers a multitude of benefits:

  • Global Visibility: Authors’ works gain high visibility, with no subscription or access fees limiting the reach, ensuring researchers across the globe can find and read the published research.
  • Increased Citations: Open Access contributes to a higher citation rate, as unrestricted availability allows for more extensive sharing of content.
  • Enhanced Usage: Open Access leads to increased usage of research outputs, as the absence of access restrictions translates into more frequent reference and utilization.
  • Amplified Impact: The impact of research is magnified when more practitioners, policymakers, and researchers can access and apply the findings.
  • Immediate Accessibility: Research findings are made available promptly, facilitating timely advancements in related fields.
  • Fostering Collaboration: Open Access fosters international partnerships and collaborations by making research findings more accessible to a diverse global audience.
  • Ease of Discovery: The Open Access model ensures that research outputs are easy to locate and access, aiding in the advancement of knowledge.

Archiving and Repository Policy

DAJID ensures the longevity of digital journal content through archiving strategies, and encourages authors to deposit their published work in relevant repositories, thereby guaranteeing continuous accessibility to their scholarly contributions.