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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published (except in the form of a lecture, abstract or thesis), nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission has not been previously published (except in the form of a lecture, abstract or thesis), nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • I have read the author guidelines and the manuscript adheres fully to the requirements laid out in the guidelines. Where applicable, I have declared conflict of interest in the manuscript that may influence any of the parties involved in the publication, production and readership of the article.
  • If this submission involves human subjects, I declare that the research complies with the highest standards of ethical consideration in terms of the procedures followed. Informed consent was sought and granted. The data was treated with anonymity and confidentiality. Ethical approval is granted by the relevant institutional body where applicable. The ethical procedures have been detailed in the methodological section and if requested, full evidence of the ethical procedures will be provided by me.
  • By submitting this to AJIMS, on behalf of all the authors, I admit that all the data provided in the submitted paper are real and accurate. I also confirm that the submission, and consequently, the publication of this paper has been approved by all the author(s) and by the responsible authorities.
  • I confirm that the editor reserves the right to make editorial changes to my manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity or conformity with journal style.
  • I confirm that I am aware of the journal's Article Processing Charges (APCs) of R13,000 payable upon acceptance of my paper.
  • I have included my ORCID to this submission.
  • Where I have made use of AI tools in the drafting of this manuscript, I have acknowledged correctly in the methodology section of this work by citing the AI tool used, how it was used, the date used, and the name as well as the creator of the version of the AI tool.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Prospective authors should kindly format their papers according to the following guidelines:

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted in English (UK) and should range between 5000-8000 words. Letters or commentaries may be around 2000-3000 words. 
  2. Manuscripts should be uploaded in MS-Word format using Arial Narrow font size 11, single spacing and should not include any identifying information e.g. names, affiliations etc.
  3. Abstract should be italicised, within 150-200 words maximum and with keywords.
  4. The main title of the paper should be in the title case - font size 13. Subtitles should be in the sentence case - font size 12
  5. Titles or headings should be bold. They should not be numbered or underlined.
  6. Page margins should be 2.54cm.
  7. Images, posters, maps, diagrams, figures, and diagrams should be placed within the paper and numbered correctly.  
  8. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and labeled with a brief heading for tables or bottomline captions for figures/images/diagrams/posters. Table headings and bottomline captions should be in Arial Narrow font size 11. The tables/diagrams/images etc. used must be referred to in the text.
  9. Tables should have text left aligned. Tables and their headings should also be single spaced but in Arial Narrow font size 10.
  10. Diagrams should be inserted as images (jpegs) and not drawn with lines or shapes in MS Word to avoid unintended shift of the diagram components. 
  11. Manuscripts containing plagiarism will not be considered for publication in the journal. Papers should be duly referenced, and all in-text references should be listed in the references section.
  12. You are welcome to use footnotes. Please do not use endnotes.
  13. Conflict of interest statements, where applicable, must be declared on the paper. 
  14. ORCID  must be included for all authors. This is a compuslory requirement especially for submissions made from June 2023. 
  15. Where the author has made use of AI tools in the drafting of the manuscript, the AI tool used has to be stated in the methodology alongside how it was used, the date it was used, including the name and creator of the version of the AI tool.

All in-text references must be detailed in the reference list in alphabetical order and not numbered. The reference list should also not contain any source not cited in the text. References within the text are cited with the author(s) surname and the year of publication e.g. Khumalo (2023) notes that................ Where the author's surname(s) is/are in the brack with the year, it should be separated by a comma e.g. it is observed that .................. (Khumalo, 2023). If several articles by the same author in the same year are cited, the years should be accompanied by alphabets in order of publication e.g. (Khumalo, 2023a).

In works by three authors, the surnames of all authors are given in the first instance only, all following instances should reflect only the first author, followed by et al. (italicized). For instance, Khumalo et al. (2023)....... Where there are four or more authors, the surname of the first author should be immediately used with et al. The full surnames of the authors and initials should however be presented in the reference list.   

References should be done using the DUT Harvard Referencing System. Please visit the Reference Guide for detailed clarity on the formatting style. 


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